Nalaka Godahewa
MP Godahewa off target on problem with tax targets
[…] The expected tax income for 2023 is Rs 3,130 billion [a 70% increase from 2022]. It is not something practical. Since the tax net is not functioning properly, the tax burden will fall on the same people who paid taxes in 2022. What has actually happened is that the income the taxpayers have to spend for their needs has reduced by 70%.
Aruna | October 9, 2023
Posted on: 26 October, 2023

MP Godahewa mostly true on relatively high population dependence on agriculture sector
Although the contribution by the agriculture sector to the country’s economy is less than 10%, the segment of the population that is dependent on the sector for income is one-third of this country’s population, [that is,] more than 30%.
Mawbima | July 1, 2021
Posted on: 19 August, 2021
