MP Shanakiyan shines a light on electricity tariff hike
…The officials of the PUCSL were brought to the Presidential Secretariat and approval was obtained for the price hike while both the chairperson and the director general of this commission were away from the country…what the PUCSL has said is to increase a unit [of electricity] from Rs. 8 to Rs. 10 [for the lowest tariff band]. But today, it has been increased from Rs. 8 to Rs. 30.
ManthriLK_Watch | February 24, 2023
Posted on: 23 March, 2023

Minister Wijesekera: Overstates one of the most pessimistic scenarios of the already overstated loss scenarios of the CEB
If we are in a situation where there is no rainfall, provided that we are able to obtain all the coal we need by April, we would be able to provide electricity all 24 hours of the day, without interruptions…That means, as a whole, our generation cost is Rs. 889 billion. From that, we receive only something like Rs. 400 billion.
Parliament Hansard | November 25, 2022
Posted on: 27 January, 2023

Partly True
MP Wanniarachchi gives herself undue credit on cost of electricity
In 2014… we did so much work and reduced the electricity bill by 25 per cent.
Daily News | March 14, 2022
Posted on: 19 May, 2022

Partly True