Ranil Wickremesinghe

Prime Minister quotes the Mercer Quality of Living City Rankings correctly


Colombo was the highest ranked South Asian city, but still only stood at 137 out of 231 cities. At least 15 Asian cities are in the bottom 50 of this ranking.

Daily News | July 10, 2018



Fact Check

Full statement made by the PM: “Although cities across Asia are growing apace, only three (Singapore, Tokyo, and Kobe) are in the top 50 of the Mercer Quality of Living Index. Colombo was the highest ranked South Asian city, but still only stood at 137 out of 231 cities. At least 15 Asian cities are in the bottom 50 of this ranking.”

For 2018 Mercer ranked 231 cities. The ranking shows the following:

1) Across Asia, only three cities – Singapore, Tokyo, and Kobe – are in the top 50;
2) Colombo is the highest ranked South Asian city, with a ranking of 137 (out of 231); and
3) 17 Asian cities appeared in the bottom 50 of the rankings.

Therefore, all three of the claims made by the PM are TRUE.




Mercer | Quality of Living Ranking 2018 – https://mobilityexchange.mercer.com/Portals/0/Content/Rankings/rankings/qol2018k852147/index.html