Fact Check
MP D.V. Chanaka claims that the prices of red kekulu rice has increased to LKR 250 per kilogram in the Pettah and Narahenpita markets since President Dissanayaka took office on September 22, 2024.
To verify this claim, FactCheck.lk consulted the Central Bank of Sri Lanka’s (CBSL) Daily Price Reports and Economic Data Library.
Price trends in September and October 2024: The MP is correct in stating that the price of red kekulu rice was LKR 210 in both the Pettah and Narahenpita markets on September 19. This price remained the same in the weeks before and continued unchanged throughout the rest of September and October.
Price trends in November and December 2024: In the Pettah market, reported prices increased from LKR 210 to a high of LKR 255 on December 5, before dropping to and stabilising at LKR 250 until December 20 (the last available data for December).
However, in the Narahenpita market, the reported price remained at LKR 210 throughout November and increased to only LKR 220 on 12 December, following the Consumer Affairs Authority’s control price set on 9 December. The price remained at LKR 220 until 31 December.
The available data only supports the MP’s claim that the price of red Kekulu rice reached LKR 250 in the Pettah market but not in the Narahenpita market.
Therefore, we classify the MP’s statement as PARTLY TRUE.
Exhibit 1: Price range of red kekulu rice in December (LKR per Kilogram)
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
*FactCheck.lk’s verdict is based on the most recent information that is publicly accessible. As with every fact check, if new information becomes available, FactCheck.lk will revisit the assessment.
Daily Price Reports and Economic Data Library, Central Bank of Sri Lanka