If you think a statement has been rated unfairly or incorrectly, please let us know. We would be happy to revisit our analysis and assessment if presented with counter arguments or further information/different evidence. The following outlines our policy in undertaking the corrections:
- Factual errors that affect the rating: A serious error that impacts our rating of the statement and/or changes the general outlook of the fact check is corrected immediately. The changes undertaken are marked at the top of the respective fact check as ‘Correction and updates’ with the date of the modification and an explanation of the correction. The erroneous fact check is corrected to reflect the revised data/ facts and is added below the correction mark. In addition, an archived copy of the old fact check is linked to the explanation for future reference.
- Factual errors that do not affect the rating: Errors in facts or data that do not impact our rating of the statement and/or changes the general outlook of the fact check are corrected and marked as ‘Correction’ at the bottom of the fact check with the date of the modification and an explanation of the correction.
- Fact checks that are invalidated: A published fact check that has been invalidated by the revelation of an error in reporting, understanding or interpreting of a statement will be corrected and classified as ‘Void’ at the top of the respective fact checks. In addition, the date and explanation of the modification is provided below the correction mark. The text of the invalidated fact check is preserved below the explanation for future reference.
- Grammatical and spelling errors: Any grammatical, spelling or other minor errors are corrected without indicating them as corrections as soon as they are brought to our attention.
- Updates and explanatory notes: From time to time, the FactCheck team updates and provides explanatory notes to reflect the latest data or facts available on a fact check. Any such changes are reflected as ‘Updates’ and is featured on the bottom of the fact check along with an explanation and the date of the change.
If you have any questions or relevant information, please submit them to factcheck@veriteresearch.org.